My Story
I first discovered Origami when I purchased an Origami bird-making kit at a local Museum and after the first fold, I was hooked! I spent hours and weeks and months folding paper and soon afterwards I started my own business of getting children addicted to paper folding in my "Origami Mami" After School Enrichment Program. I began my first class with only three students and now, 10years later, I have between 15-20 kids in each of my 9 weekly classes and have 6 Origami classroom helpers! I have had repeat students in my classes sometimes for 5 years in a row so up until now I haven't repeated a project yet!
I offer my Origami lessons both on-site and online and have had rave reviews for my teaching style and projects. See the section in my website Original Origami Designs to view my projects and designs.
Origami was my "gateway" art so-to-speak as it opened up so many other wonderful art forms for me and I experimented with many of them until I landed firmly into my favorite media of them all--colored pencil. For the past several years I have been taking an ongoing Botanic Illustration course and therein I discovered my deep passion of bringing together elements of botany and nature, namely animals and plants! I practice my adventures in drawing almost daily as it is through this practice alone that gives me my much needed dose of peace and tranquility. Check out the Colored Pencil Art section of my website to view past and present projects.
Since attending art classes for the past few years I developed a passion for mixed media arts and spend my days painting with a wide variety of media including acrylics, brush markers, ink, and watercolor (and actually quite a few more) which I have found to be so much fun and also challenging. Check out the section, Mixed Media Paintings to view my gallery of artwork. As is true to my DIY spirit I have spent many an hour experimenting and learning much about these new media and now am teaching my own art classes and workshops locally. See the section on Drawing and Painting Workshops here in my website!
My newest art adventure is portraiture and I am totally addicted to it! I have found yet another passion where I can apply all of my previously learned skills and just go with it! I am attracted to bright, bold, and saturated colors and you can check out my past and present works in the Portraits of People section of my website.
Finally (and most likely not lastly) I picked up hand embroidery and married my love of mixed media along with stitching and have had SO much fun experimenting with fiber arts! See the section, Hand Embroidery Projects here in my website to view my past and present projects.
I hope you will enjoy your travels through my world and will find it as pleasing as it makes me to create it!